Kelly DuMar

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#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Sunrise Pink & Blue

Awake at 4:00 a.m. – nerves, I suppose. When the sun started to rise, I had time for a quick walk with the dogs to the river and around the property under a pink and blue sky. We reached the river, a an orange glow of sun rising from the east over the banks of the quiet Charles. Surgery day for my husband. Charlie tromped through the blackest mud, tracked it onto the dark green carpet, and I decided, who cares? It will dry and be vacumed away. I took him to the porch, scrubbed his chocolate black feet with a towel. He tried to head to the car with us on departure and had to be escorted back inside with a promise of a cookie. We drove cheerfully, effortlessly into Boston. Tonight, in my little hospital closet room, I write that he is resting comfortably in the ICU. The surgeon has shared a happy report: the surgery went very well, exactly as planned. I have had so many many blessings of loved ones today and so much support. So many wonderful people in our lives who love him and need him and wish him well. On the way to the hospital he remembered his wedding ring, a slim gold band, needed to be removed. He handed it to me. On my ring finger, it fits perfectly under my own until we go home together soon.

Shirley & Dusty

Today, May 8, was my parents’ wedding anniversary.

Lucky day.