Kelly DuMar

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#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Terrestrial Snail, Charles River Wetlands

Waking, and going to bed, windows open. Spring peepers and songbirds. Such a peaceful and hopeful sound of spring awakening, and warmer, brighter days. The woods are full of mud, I wear my boots to tromp around in the wetlands. Today we crossed the trestle bridge, went on the Charles Link trail up the other side of the river, down the slope to the wetlands at the other side of the Charles and got very happily muddy. The clouds were rippling, the river was calm, still. Lulled by the peace and quiet, we stayed out for a very long time this morning.

Late in the day, a second walk, a walk and talk with the youngest who invites me out into the advancing evening. She is anxious about school, her summer plans, her fall plans, the press of choices and wishes and responsibilities. I remind her to look at the beautiful things and breathe. Breathe. All will work out and be well. There are wild turkeys strolling by the river. on our property. Charlie chases them up a tree and we go in for the night. It is at nighttime that the snail coming out of its spiral shell starts moving and goes looking for food.