Kelly DuMar

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#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Oh, the woods, what tenderness of seeds, violets, ferns unfurling this morning, what refreshment for a Sunday morning in the church under the trees, even in mud, beside the brook, and in one spot in particular, it's a muddy trail where I rarely meet another human, and there's music of this trickling brook where the skunk cabbage and the ferns are thriving. All this quiet and peace, and just this gurgling trickle, such a heart centering music. Stop. Listen. A brook is running, these are wetlands, think like a plant, a plant wants to come up, it's spring, and the Charles River runs over its banks and all these wetlands connect, it's an ecosystem, and it has a sound, many sounds, of course, birds, but also, this trickling: water, rocks, gravity, soil. Rejoice. Refresh. Be awestruck, grateful to be alive in spring.