Kelly DuMar

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#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Red Willow Sticks in the Wetlands

The secret to getting beautiful pictures this time of winter is to go into the woods early, near sunrise, when the morning light is a charm. And I was so happy we did; the freshly lit sky was so exquisite: first, a moon on blue surrounded by the black bare branches, then, a blue tree, and blue river clouds, and foggy mist rising in the wetlands to the tops of the gold trees, and finally, a blue puddle with a red peaked roof at Medfield State hospital. All week or more I’ve been lucky to find one photo to feed my spirit, and today was a bounty. It was a rich day for so many reasons, and one particularly pleasing one: I have been waiting since late September to hear from a publisher about my poetry manuscript, hoping for an answer before the new year, and also realizing any news could be a no. For my son’s birthday in early December, I ordered him some shoes online, as it turns out, from a store in London. He decided to return them, and he’s been asking me daily if I’ve gotten an e-mail that they’ve been returned. I have a few e-mail addresses, some very old ones that I don’t use except for things like ordering shoes or other online purchases. So, I have been checking this address that I go weeks without looking at. And scrolling down the countless meaningless spammy e-mails that clutter this account, I was looking for the shoe purchase when I noticed one that named the manuscript I had submitted. Strange, because I had not used this e-mail address for my submission. And it was from the publisher, with an offer and contract. I wouldn’t have seen it except for the shoes that didn’t fit my son. I wrote back, immediately accepting the offer. Happily, girl in tree bark, poems and prose, will be published, just as I had hoped, in the new year.